Hope Perth About

This is an about page detailing the background of Perth based artist Hope Perth.



Yo! I’m Brendan also known as Hope. I’m a 26 year old non-Indigenous CONTEMPORARY graffiti artist based in BOORLOO (PERTH). I WAS BORN IN DARWIN, grew up in my grandads home in Kwinana, raised by my beautiful single Mum and my little Brother. I studied ballet at John Curtin in Freo and then later graduated with a Bachelor of Science & a Diploma of Secondary Education from Notre Dame.

During high school, graffiti became an important way for me to deal with rough times at home.With the help of some very inspiring and passionate art teachers and peers, I began to develop my graffiti to what is now my public mural work.

My goal is to find ways to make our community more vibrant and more accessible for our quality of life and community voice. I think it’s important that we start listening to marginalised people in our society and Give them agency to SHARE THEIR STORIES. I believe PUBLIC art is a powerful way to do that.